Join Tina Tan from SPARK at the UNITE SpLD 2018 CONFERENCE
Ashokan Ramakrishnan
Our very own Tina Tan will be speaking on how parents can better advocate for their ADHD children in the school context in order to build a collaborative working relationship with shared expectations and reduced pressure for all parties.
Mrs Tina Tan, Social Worker, mother of 3 boys (one of them Dyslexic, ADHD and ASD), and Vice President of SPARK (Society for Promotion of ADHD Research and Knowledge). Tina has been an active community volunteer, helping to serve families through her school PSG volunteer work. She is also a free-lance parent trainer for parents with ADHD children, as well as an accredited Triple P Trainer and Facilitator with MSF.
The UnITE SpLD Conference seeks to bring together parents, teachers and practitioners working with children with specific learning difficulties and special educational needs. This conference will be showcasing research that covers aspects of behavioural, literacy and social emotional support, intervention and assessment for children with special learning needs. Come and listen to our SpLD experts share their research. Research will be presented it short, engaging and entertaining sessions accompanied by poster presentations and the chance to talk directly with researchers who are making a difference in the Asian region.
Click on the link below to register now !