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Parent Support Group Meeting (In-Person) on 26-February-2025
9:00 AM09:00

Parent Support Group Meeting (In-Person) on 26-February-2025

Parenting a child with ADHD can be a challenging, unpredictable, and emotional journey. If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or is showing signs, please know that you are not alone. ADHD is one of the most treatable psychiatric conditions and many with ADHD have have gone on to thrive in life, not in-spite of the condition but because of it.

Join us on 26 Feb our monthly coffee catch-up where you will meet other parents who share this unique parenting journey.

  • Details: 26 Feb (Wed)

  • Time: 9 am to 12 pm

  • Venue: Just Brewin Cafe @ 452 Race Course Rd, Singapore 218696

  • Nearest MRT: Boon Keng Station (Exit C)

For this session, we will be holding space for parents to share their strategies & struggles managing screen time & device use with their kids. Much has been said on this topic and with the recent launch of Grow Well SG initiative & screen time guidelines, it is clear what we need to do. But the question is how? How should we help our neurodivergent kids understand the concerns and learn to balance technology in their lives? Check out the news article below :

To register for your spot you may click here

Limited spaces available, so do book your spot soon!

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Parent Support Group Meeting (online)  - 12 FEBRUARY 2025 (ADHD 2.0)
8:00 PM20:00

Parent Support Group Meeting (online) - 12 FEBRUARY 2025 (ADHD 2.0)

Monthly Online ADHD Parents Support Group Meeting – 12 FEB @ 8PM

Join us for our February Monthly Support Group meetup, where we will be diving into ADHD 2.0! Together, we'll explore chapter summaries, key insights from the authors, actionable ideas and practical tips to better understand and support our ADHD children.

This year, we will be working through ADHD 2.0 month by month, with discussions happening on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Whether you're reading along or just curious to learn, come connect with fellow parents in a supportive space.

Looking forward to a meaningful conversation with all of you

To register for this Online Meeting click here.

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Parent Support Group Meeting (In-Person) on 19 OCTOBER 2024
10:00 AM10:00

Parent Support Group Meeting (In-Person) on 19 OCTOBER 2024

Parenting a child with ADHD can be a challenging, unpredictable, and emotional journey. If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD or is showing signs, please know that you are not alone. ADHD is one of the most treatable psychiatric conditions and many with ADHD have have gone on to thrive in life, not in-spite of the condition but because of it.

Join us on 19 October 2024 for our quarterly coffee catch-up where you will meet other parents who share this unique parenting journey.

  • Date: 19 October 2024 (Saturday)

  • Time: 10 am to 12 pm

  • Venue: Basic Kneads Cafe @ 9 Selegie Road #01-28 S(180009)

  • Nearest MRT: Rochor Station - Click here for directions to Basic Kneads Cafe (Offline Google Map)

For this session, we're excited to welcome Ash, long-time SPARK EXCO, to share how The Hero's Journey framework helped him reframe his experience from feeling helpless and overwhelmed to recognizing his own agency and purpose in helping others.

The Hero's Journey is a powerful framework that shows how we all face challenges, but those challenges while painful can often lead to growth and transformation. Curious to learn more about The Hero's Journey ? Then check out this video and let's catch up and exchange our stories together over coffee.​

Limited spaces available, so do book your spot by clicking here!

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Parent Support Group Meeting (online)  - 09 October 2024 (Executive Function)
8:00 PM20:00

Parent Support Group Meeting (online) - 09 October 2024 (Executive Function)

Dear Parents,

We are thrilled to invite you to our next Online Parent Support Group meeting on 09 October 2024 from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM.

Do you find your child struggling to pay attention to schoolwork, but seems to be able to do so for fun and play? Let us use the October Monthly Support Group meetup to focus on Attention as a skill of Executive Function (EF). We will also explore Mental Flexibility that is required to adapt to changes and how play used in a purposeful way can be beneficial to strengthen this EF skill.

Albert has been a lifelong member of SPARK for over a decade and recently joined as an EXCO member. He is trained in educational therapy for persons with specific learning differences (SpLD) and is a certified ICF coach. He hopes to use the session to have a fruitful conversation with the caregivers of SPARK as we learn together how to better support our loved ones.

📌 Highlights of the Meeting:

•⁠ ⁠*Guest Speaker:* Mr Albert Lee

•⁠ ⁠*Topics:* Executive Functions

•⁠ ⁠*Interactive Q&A Session:* Have your questions answered by Albert

Please mark your calendars and to register for the online meeting click here

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Parent Support Group Meeting (online)  - 14 Augus Empowering EF Skills for Homework and Routines
8:00 PM20:00

Parent Support Group Meeting (online) - 14 Augus Empowering EF Skills for Homework and Routines

Dear Parents,

We are thrilled to invite you to our next Online Parent Support Group meeting on 14 August 2024 from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM. This session promises to be both enlightening and inspiring, as we will have the incredible opportunity to hear from Tina.

Tina will be sharing on how to enhance your child's executive function (EF) skills, specifically in self-motivation for homework and managing daily routines and schedules.

📌 Highlights of the Meeting:

•⁠ ⁠*Guest Speaker:* Tina Tan, Former Vice President Of SPARK and SHED counsultant

•⁠ ⁠*Topics:* Empowering EF Skills for Homework and Routines

•⁠ ⁠*Interactive Q&A Session:* Have your questions answered by Tina

Whether you’re seeking advice, support, or simply looking to connect with others who understand the journey, this meeting is for you. Let's come together to learn, share, and grow in our roles as parents and guardians.

Please mark your calendars and to register for the online meeting click here

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Parent Support Group Meeting (In-Person) on 31 Jul 2024
9:00 AM09:00

Parent Support Group Meeting (In-Person) on 31 Jul 2024

Our next in-person coffee catch up is on 31 July (Wed) from 9am to 12pm. We will be sharing more about a powerful framework that can help us reframe our experience from feeling helpless and overwhelmed to realizing our strength and purpose. It’s called The Hero’s Journey and is one of the pillars that has helped me through my darkest times.

If you like to join us, please register with the link below :

Do sign up fast as spaces are limited. And for those who attended our previous coffee catch up at the NY Cafe, pls note that this will be the last time we can hold our support group meetings there as the cafe will be closing at the end Aug 2024.

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Parent Support Group Meeting (online)  8th May 2024 🌟Special Guest Shaun Sim🌟
8:00 PM20:00

Parent Support Group Meeting (online) 8th May 2024 🌟Special Guest Shaun Sim🌟

Dear Parents,

We are thrilled to invite you to our next Online Parent Support Group meeting on 8th May 2024, from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM. This session promises to be both enlightening and inspiring, as we will have the incredible opportunity to hear from Shaun Sim, our past ACE Award winner.

Shaun will be sharing his personal journey and the strategies that have helped him improve his executive functioning skills. Learn firsthand about the life hacks he has discovered to overcome challenges associated with poor working memory and chronic procrastination. This is a fantastic chance to gain insights that could benefit not only you but also your children.

📌 Highlights of the Meeting:

•⁠ ⁠*Guest Speaker:* Shaun Sim, ACE Award Winner

•⁠ ⁠*Topics:* Improving Executive Function, Overcoming Poor Working Memory, Fighting Procrastination

•⁠ ⁠*Interactive Q&A Session:* Have your questions answered by Shaun

Whether you’re seeking advice, support, or simply looking to connect with others who understand the journey, this meeting is for you. Let's come together to learn, share, and grow in our roles as parents and guardians.

Please mark your calendars and sign up now by clicking the link below !

PS : pls note that we will not be holding our Apr meeting this month as it clashes with Hari Raya (public holiday).

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Parent Support Group Meeting (In-Person) on 26 MAR 2024
9:00 AM09:00

Parent Support Group Meeting (In-Person) on 26 MAR 2024

Our next in-person coffee catch up is planned on 26 Mar (Tuesday) 9am-12pm !

I am really excited to share that we have Devi and Albert, from the Centre for Mindfulness, who will be joining us to share more about how mindfulness can help both parent and child.

Do sign up with the link below :

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Parent Support Group Meeting (online) 13 Mar 8pm
8:00 PM20:00

Parent Support Group Meeting (online) 13 Mar 8pm

Let’s come together to our online support group to connect, learn, and evolve together.

This year's online support group theme is Executive Function (EF). Each month, we'll dive deep into a specific aspect of Executive Functioning.

📅 March : In Collaboration with DAS (Dyslexia Association of Singapore) to share insight and program about EF

Sign up here:

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PARENTS SUPPORT GROUP MEETING : Promoting your Child’s Self Awareness and Accountability.
8:00 PM20:00

PARENTS SUPPORT GROUP MEETING : Promoting your Child’s Self Awareness and Accountability.

To Parents of ADHD children/teens/adults, or those with attention, impulsivity, executive function, hyperactivity, distractability, and related issues:

Join us for our monthly parents support group meeting - a safe place to share your struggles parenting ADHD without judgement.

Each month, a chapter summary of Russell Barkley's book, "12 Principles for Raising A Child with ADHD" will be shared and discussed. There will also be time for open sharing and Q&A on anything related to ADHD.

This month we will be discussing Principle 6: Promoting your Child’s Self Awareness and Accountability.

Parents attending have found the sessions to be very enlightening and empowering and they leave feeling that they are no longer alone in their journey.

Do register for our Feb meeting now, and block out every 2nd Wed each month to join us regularly!

Date: 8th Feb Wed 8-10pm

Online via Zoom.

Note: Parents need to join as SPARK members to remain connected and to create a safe environment for all attendees.

Register for event here:

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3:00 PM15:00


“Creativity is spontaneity gone right” - Edward Hallowell

Join us on 4 Feb 2023 (3-4.30pm) as we speak with Khairul Anwar - an inspiring young ADHD artist who is the creator of the PLAYNTING technique (is a multi-sensory art form that combines drumming and painting to create an immersive experience that not only unlocks and connects.

Khairul will be sharing his journey as an artist with ADHD and how his family's unconditional love played a crucial part in giving him the space to nurture his creativity and find his purpose.

If you have an ADHD child with a creative soul, you really wouldn’t want to miss this SPARK webinar.

Sign up using the link below :

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SPARK Seminar Series 2022 - Session #1 : Refueling the Ferrari Brain
9:30 AM09:30

SPARK Seminar Series 2022 - Session #1 : Refueling the Ferrari Brain

  • Google Calendar ICS

While ADHD is not caused by our children's diet, increasing evidence suggests that symptoms, particularly mood and self-control, may be affected by what they eat. Join us on 22 Oct to learn more about how diet and nutrition impacts ADHD.

For a flavor of what we will be discussing with our expert panel, check out the short video link below :​

The SPARK Seminar Series 2022 is organized as a fund-raising event to coincide with ADHD Awareness Month in Oct. This year, we explore non-pharmaceutical options for ADHD over 2 parts; with the the first session (on 22 Oct) focusing on diet and nutrition, while the second session (on 12 Nov) will look into sports and exercise. We are thrilled that this will be our first face-to-face event in over 2 years and look forward to reconnect with our sparkling community.


At SPARK, we are committed to building a more inclusive community where those with ADHD can thrive. As a registered charity, our programs rely on the generosity of our members and donors. If you like to support the work we do in SPARK, please consider making a donation by clicking on our link below.​

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A Hero's Journey - Reframing the Caregiver's Story
10:00 AM10:00

A Hero's Journey - Reframing the Caregiver's Story

Stories are not just for children. They are more powerful than we realize. The narratives that we tell ourselves can shape our lives and the stories we tell one another will shape our world.

The Hero's Journey is a story-telling framework that has deep roots in psychology. Our biggest movies and books (eg. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Matrix, etc) are all based on the Hero’s Journey. But more than that, our individual lives can also be framed as A Hero's Journey. But sadly, too many of us are mired in mindsets that casts ourselves as victims. And as a result, we lose our sense control and even hope.

Check out this short video on the Hero's Journey :

Join us on 23 Jul 10am where Azure Lee from "3 of Us" will help us understand the Hero's Journey framework and more importantly how it can be a powerful tool to help us reframe our caregiver's experience.

Register using link below :

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3:00 PM15:00


This month's SPARK meeting is a 2-for-1 event !

In addition to our regular monthly ADHD talk, we are adding a townhall session to update members on the SPARK 2.0 Strategy Roadmap. We have worked hard over the last 8 months to map out the ecosystem supporting our ADHD community and to identify the gaps that need more attention. We conducted ADHD pulse-check survey, focused group discussions as well as key interviews with various stakeholders. We are very excited to share our findings and more importantly the direction that we hope to take SPARK over the next 5 years so that we can better serve our ADHD community. We hope you can join us as this journey is really for all of us.

As for this month's ADHD talk, we have invited Jovan Medrano (Founder and Master Trainer from Peak Resonance) to share with us the 3A Method for Managing Money Effortlessly. Money is an important aspect for success and independence. But it is one where our ADHD impulsivity can be an achilles heel. Join us as Jovan helps us understand the value of money and more importantly how we can use assets that are allocated wisely and automated so that we can manage our money without too much attention.


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Unlearning Learned Helplessness in Caregivers
10:00 PM22:00

Unlearning Learned Helplessness in Caregivers

Parenting an ADHD child is not easy and can sometimes even feel overwhelming. We try everything and yet the drama and chaos keep repeating. The fear, anger, guilt and shame can grip the best of us, leaving us feeling helpless and even hopeless.

Join us on 5 Mar 10am for a fireside chat with our experts Sha-En and Vivien as they help us understand how helplessness is actually a learned response and more importantly how we can retrain our minds so that we can bring hope back into our lives.

Please register with link below :

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What your ADHD child wished you knew about gaming
10:00 AM10:00

What your ADHD child wished you knew about gaming

Is your child spending too much time gaming ?


Have you wondered what is happening in your child’s mind when he is gaming?


Do you wish you could get your child to spend more time exercising and outdoors instead of spending all his time behind the screen gaming ?


If you’ve answered “Yes” to at least one of the above questions, you must join us for a fire-side chat on 26 February 2022 at 10am with Kevin Tan.


Kevin is a former competitive esports player turned personal trainer. He spent 8 years in competitive gaming, living in a team house and competed around the world. As an ADHDer diagnosed in adulthood, Kevin has unique insights from his journey as a ADHD gamer. He is especially keen to share with parents what their child wished they knew about gaming. And more importantly, as a personal trainer, Kevin is highly skilled in evoking positive behavioural change to help his clients, many of whom have ADHD to achieve their diet and fitness goals. He will share tips on how to motivate your child to spend more time outdoors and exercising. 


Sign up now to join our conversation with Kevin Tan. He is an inspiring young man with an important message for parents with ADHD children, gamers or not.

Register with link below :

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Dance Movement Therapy for ADHD
3:00 PM15:00

Dance Movement Therapy for ADHD

Did you know that Vitamin C is the most important vitamin for ADHD ?

We are not referring to the vitamin C that comes in oranges. We are talking about CONNECTION.

But how is CONNECTION created ? And more importantly, how can we help our ADHD child learn to connect with others and with himself/herself ?

As with most of ADHD, the answers are often not straightforward and may sometimes be even counter-intuitive. I cannot dance even if my life depended on it and I know little about Dance Movement Therapy. But what I know is that dance and rhythm connects us in a primal way that words cannot. And living with ADHD, I know words often are not enough. Check out this video for more about Dance Movement Therapy and I am sure you will be intrigued at how it is used to create deep and powerful connections.

Do join us on 8 Jan 3pm to learn more about Dance Movement Therapy and how it can help those with ADHD. Our Dance Movement Therapy Expert, Carissa Soh, will also be introducing some DMT techniques/strategies that we can use in our daily lives to strengthen our connections and restore our mental, emotional and physical balance.

Please register using link below :

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Growing Up with ADHD
3:00 PM15:00

Growing Up with ADHD

ADHD impacts so much more than school. It can disrupt relationship, careers and lives. 

In this fireside chat, our panel will explore:

  • What is ADHD ?

  • How it can disrupt our lives ?

  • Why it is often misunderstood ?

  • Do children with ADHD eventually outgrow it?

  • Do adults continue to show significant symptoms of the condition?

  • And most importantly... How we can thrive with ADHD ?

We have invited a panel of young adults with ADHD to help us understand what it is like growing up with ADHD. And our hope is that through this event, those with ADHD will know that they are not alone. And for the rest of us, we will look past the problems and embrace our ADHD family and friends.

Our vision is for an inclusive society where those with ADHD are accepted and embraced. And if we can achieve this, we will all benefit from the talents and gifts that often comes with ADHD. 

So join us on 6 Nov and help make our vision a reality.

Sign up using the link below :

This event is jointly organized by the Society for the Promotion of ADHD Research and Knowledge (SPARK) and Asia Institute of Mentoring (AIM).

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3:00 PM15:00


Now's your chance to have your say! ADHD adults are so poorly understood and supported, yet they are not short of gifts, talents, perspectives, inspirations and the list can go on. In collaboration with "Unlocking ADHD", SPARK is happy to co-host this event for us to hear from adult ADHD persons on any topic you want to speak on.

It's also open to those who would like to listen in and be the audience. Our open mic speaking slots are limited due to time, so grab your spot quickly. Each will be given just 4 mins to speak. So make sure you click for a specific ticket - either for attendee or speaker. We are looking forward to a dynamic time for this first of it's kind event in our ADHD community.

Register using the link below :

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Strengthening the Brakes on the ADHD Brain
3:00 PM15:00

Strengthening the Brakes on the ADHD Brain

ADHD is like having a FERRARI engine as a brain with BICYCLE brakes. Strengthen the brakes and you’ll have a CHAMPION” - Dr. Edward Hallowell, leading psychiatrist and ADHD advocate.

Children with ADHD are often described as challenging, defiant, impulsive, oppositional and attention seeking. However, such behaviours are signs that these children cannot handle their BIG emotions such as fear, anger and sadness. When they feel overwhelmed, these big emotions take over.

Self-regulation is the ability to remain calm, cope with big emotions, adapt, and respond appropriately to the environment. Children who are taught self-regulation strategies and techniques are better able to do well in school, with friends and at home. It helps children feel good about what they can handle and it helps children feel good about themselves.

We are pleased to have Mr. Alvin Chan, clinical director of KIDZ Occupational Therapy Consultants, discuss HOW to strengthen the brakes of the ADHD brain with an eclectic, holistic and evidenced based approach to self-regulation challenges.

Alvin is an occupational therapist with extensive experience in providing clinic, school and home based intervention for special needs and mainstream school children with various diagnoses including autism spectrum disorder, sensory processing disorder, pervasive developmental disorder, attention deficit disorder, developmental delay, speech and language disorders, learning disabilities, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and Down Syndrome.

More information about Alvin and Kidz Occupational Therapy Consultants can be accessed via their website .

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Debunking the Myths of Social Communication
3:30 PM15:30

Debunking the Myths of Social Communication

The art of social communication is not just about talking. We look at each other, we take turns, we read facial expressions and body language, we listen to the tone of voice, we pay attention to what our communication partner is paying attention to. That is a lot to process all at once. How do children learn social communication which is essential to navigate the world and build lasting relationships?

We are honoured to have Ms. Chithra Kathiresan, founder of CONNECT & COMMUNICATE, to Debunk Myths about Social Communication. The objective of the session is to help parents understand the big picture around social, emotional regulation and executive functions.

Connect and Communicate was founded in 2013. It provides speech and language therapy services and specialises in Social Communication. The team is passionate about equipping clients, parents and professionals, across a diverse age range, with strategies to learn and integrate more effectively across different settings.

Chithra has worked as a Speech Language Therapist in Singapore for over 26 years. During this time she has worked in both adult and pediatrics within local hospitals and community settings. She left full-time employment as Head of Speech Therapy at KK Women's and Children's Hospital Rehabilitation Department in 2000, to care for her two children. She has been in private practice since. Chithra has a special interest in Autism Spectrum Disorders and neuro-developmental disorders of relating. Her training in developmental approaches to supporting individuals with difficulties in relating, led her to found Connect and Communicate in 2013. More information can be accessed via their website .

Register by clicking link below :

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3:00 PM15:00

Parents of Special Needs Kids Need Support Too !

Parenting is not easy. No one is ever fully trained or prepared for it. As parents, we occasionally find ourselves outside our comfort zone, desperate and struggling. But for those of us, who have the privilege of parenting a neuro-atypical child, time outside our comfort zone is more the norm than the exception. And too often, this journey is a lonely one that is fraught with guilt and shame. As a result, many of us invariably find ourselves stuck in a loop of hurt and pain that slowly but surely undermines our own mental health.

In this fireside chat, we hope to not only raise awareness of the common special needs like ADHD, Dyslexia, and Autism; but also to shed insights to the common challenges faced by the parents of special needs kids as well as the help and support available in our ecosystem.

We hope that through authentic conversations like this, we will be able to let our audience better understand both the pros and cons of neuro-diversity and more importantly how we can all help create an inclusive space that supports special needs children and their parents too.

This event is jointly organized by the Society for the Promotion of ADHD Research and Knowledge (SPARK) and the Asia Institute of Mentoring (AIM); with kind support from the DAS Academy (DAC) and the Autism Resource Centre (ARC)

If you are keen to attend, please register using this link below :

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Deepening your Parent-Child Connection
3:00 PM15:00

Deepening your Parent-Child Connection

In Edward Hallowell's latest book, ADHD 2.0, he recommended families living with ADHD need to make sure they get sufficient Vitamin C ... and the "C" that he is talking about is ... CONNECTION.

Fostering deep connections with our children is a wish shared by all parents. But with the rise of social media and technology, many of us struggle to compete, connect and build deeper bonds with our children. With the constant conflicts and emotional outbursts that are so common for those of us with ADHD kids, this challenge can feel almost impossible, sometimes.

Come join us in this Experiential Workshop; where we will be guided by experienced coaches (Suman, Kelvin and Jennifer) to reflect on our relationships with our children, using a novel technique known as phototherapy. They say, "a picture paints a thousand words". So let the pictures help us see our children with fresh new eyes and reconnect with them so that we can walk this ADHD journey together.


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Building resilience & resourcefulness in our ADHD child by nurturing his entrepreneurial spirit !
3:00 PM15:00

Building resilience & resourcefulness in our ADHD child by nurturing his entrepreneurial spirit !

We generally take it for granted that the system of education we are so used to is the most effective way to prepare our children for their future. Yet when we start to think deeper on it, we may start to see that our youth today are NOT much more prepared for the changing present, and volatile future.

The greatest asset for thriving in this rapidly changing world is to grow an entrepreneurial attitude. To always be resourceful, relational, self-aware, and resilient, even when things are tough. These are qualities that ironically come naturally to those with ADHD. For example, the hyperactivity and impulsivity that can drive most teachers up the wall, is often the innate advantage that makes a entrepreneur successful ... his able to focus and work day and night and instinct to take seize opportunities before the rest.

Join our conversation on how we can help our ADHD child build an entrepreneurial mindset, which would likely be a key enabler for him to thrive in the world.

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Working Memory: The missing piece in resolving executive function challenges in the ADHD
3:00 PM15:00

Working Memory: The missing piece in resolving executive function challenges in the ADHD

Does your child have difficulty sustaining his attention when in a learning environment? Can he process multiple stepped instructions? Does he commit careless errors or frequently lose track of what he is doing ?

These are all key symptoms of ADHD. And they also fall under the umbrella of what is commonly called "executive function", which is indicative of working memory issues.

This talk is designed for both teachers and parents; and will give you a basic understanding of what executive function is, and how it forms the foundation for the many manifestations of ADHD. In addition, it will provide you with simple principles and guidelines to build up working memory. Lastly, it will introduce the COGMED program, which is a computer-based intervention for strengthening working memory.

We are grateful to have Mr Alvin Chan, from KIDZ Occupational Therapy Consultant, come share with us his insights into this important topic, which he has gained through helping his many clients with ADHD develop their working memory.

Join us on 6 Feb at 3pm for our monthly SPARK meeting.

Get your tickets now by clicking on the link below :

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Supporting Siblings
10:00 AM10:00

Supporting Siblings

Parenting an ADHD child takes a lot. Too often, we end up committing all our time, our money and so much more to helping our ADHD child. As a result, we invariably end up neglecting the needs of the neuro-typical sibling.... who ironically needs just as much attention and support to help them make sense of the madness that they have unwillingly been caught up in.

We are so grateful to have PsychHabitat come share with us their experience facilitating the highly effective Sibshop support group meetings. They will share the importance of understanding the impact on siblings and more importantly, what we need to do as parents and care-givers to help them cope with the stress and negative emotions.

Pls book your tickets using the link below :

Event will be held on zoom.

Profile of speakers:
Drs. Aveline and Tanisha are clinical psychologists from PsychHabitat who specialise in working with individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities (i.e. Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Intellectual Disability etc.).

PsychHabitat aspires to support and empower individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their families by providing services, information, and resources related to developmental and mental health

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10:00 AM10:00

Improving ADHD Children's Learning with Neuro-developmental Movement Program

On the surface, excessive movement and deficient mental focus often characterizes ADHD children. But maybe these 2 components can be addressed in a way that can improve their learning ability.

Join us as Isaac Tan shares the rationale behind using a neurodevelopmental movement approach to help children with ADHD learn and function better.

He will share 2 developmental movement programs which parents can easily carry out with their children at home every day to enhance their neurodevelopment and hence learning ability.

One of these programs has been implemented in Singapore for 15 years and has benefitted many children with ADHD and other learning difficulties. The positive results are supported by a recent study conducted with the National Council of Social Services (NCSS) using data spanning a decade.

The other program is based on a therapy method developed in the UK with 45 years of research, expertise and practice. It helps children to resolve the physical factors underlying learning and behavioural problems.

Come and get a better understanding of how these programs might benefit your child!

Sign up by clicking on the link below

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8:00 PM20:00

Getting Back to Books - Parent & Tween Book Club

SPARK is happy to launch our very own Book Club !

For parents, we will be meeting over 5 Wednesday nights on ZOOM to discuss Peter Shankman's book "Faster than Normal". We promise that we will learn, laugh and cry together while we share our journeys parenting ADHD children.

And for parents with kids between the ages of 11-13 years old, you are in luck ! We will be running a concurrent Book Club for your Tweens to help them pick up the habit of reading too ! The tweens will be in goods hands as the sessions will be led by our very own ADHD teen mentors who I am sure will make the books come alive in a way that only and ADHD kid can ! Fyi, the tweens will be reading a local award winning children book entitled "Kelly & the Krumps" ! But most importantly, we hope that the book club will serve as a positive social platform for the tweens to support one another as they make the transition to Secondary School. 

Please see details of the Adult & Tween Book Club sessions below :

  • Parents Series: Wednesday nights in December (2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Dec), 8.00pm to 9.30pm.

  • T(w)een Series: Wednesday nights in December (9, 16, 23 Dec), 8.00pm to 9.30pm.

Please click on link below if you like to sign up !

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Talking Tech & Teens
10:00 AM10:00

Talking Tech & Teens

Have you ever struggled with your teen over tech ?

I know I have.

Many many times.

And each time, while I may not have been successful in confiscating their devices... at least I am comforted knowing that I tried my best to protect them from the dangers lurking on the internet ... and I know that if all else fails, I still have THE control over the power supply in the house.

If rant resonates, you need join us for our meeting on 7th Nov to learn how to talk with your teen about tech.

Sign up by clicking the link below

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