Sketch Noting Workshop for Parent & Child on 22 JUN at 2.30 to 5.30pm
Ashokan Ramakrishnan
Our brains are hard-wired for finding patterns and making connections.
Sketchnoting SPARKS our children's creativity by helping them see and make these vital connections.
Do you struggle to communicate with your child ?
Does he tend to doodle when he needs to pay attention ?
Does she lack confidence in problem-solving or communicating ?
If your answers are YES, then this workshop is for YOU !
In this workshop, we will share with you how YOU & YOUR CHILD can create and use simple pictures to SPARK your child's creativity, confidence, and improve his/her communication, with applications both in the home and in the classroom.
Our Trainers : Tim & Irene Hamons from the "ART-OF-AWAKENING" will be running the workshop for us. They have worked with countless groups and individuals for over 20 years; helping them unlock the power of creativity using simple visual and creative tools.
Outcomes :
better focus and attention span
confidence in creativity and communicating
creative problem-solving skills
tool for taking whole brain notes at school
Agenda :
Visual warm ups
Sketching as your new superpower: the benefits, science and art of simple drawing
ABC's of sketchnoting
How to draw any idea using simple shapes
Yes, you too can draw: Managing your mindset
Re-learning our first language
Visual building blocks: concepts, letters, people, faces,
drawing your story
practice, practice, practice
Use drawings to present your ideas
Group activity on visual storytelling