Dads Supporting Dads on 16 Nov 9.30am to 12.30am
Ashokan Ramakrishnan
It's time to gather the fathers again! Last year SPARK piloted our first "Dads Supporting Dads Program" (DSD) to much success. This year, we are happy to run it again.
Being a father comes with challenges that few but other fathers understand. Raising an ADHD child in the midst of the already demanding job of a father adds on additional pressures, emotional stressors and complexities. Sharing this with your usual buddies might not get you the support you need.
Facilitated by a husband and wife team, Frankie and Tina have 3 boys aged 16, 15 and 10. Their second-born has ADHD, Dyslexia and ASD. Join us for a time of heart-felt sharing, lively interactions and informative discussions that will make you feel more empowered and less alone in your journey!